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Asia-PacificMarch 10 2011

Renminbi takes the slow road to domination

The battle over the valuation of the Chinese renminbi has often been characterised by vitriolic debate and has seen a titanic clash between Washington and Beijing about the right level for the currency and the speed of appreciation. But efforts to internationalise the renminbi are already taking effect.
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Seldom does one issue define an era, but in the battle between the Chinese renminbi and the US dollar there is enough drama and politics to suggest it might do so. As the economic giants grapple for dominance of global trade, currencies are increasingly the language by which their power is expressed.

The dynamic, however, is not straightforward, because both China and the US want ostensibly the same thing, which is a stronger renminbi. The difference lies in timing, with policy-makers in Washington, DC, pushing for immediate appreciation and Chinese officials preferring to take the slow road, aiming for full internationalisation of the Chinese currency over the next 10 to 20 years.

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