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WorldAugust 1 2014

What now for Russian capital markets?

Political tensions continue to dog Russia's capital markets. Following a difficult few months, the shoots of a recovery seemed to be appearing until the US imposed another round of sanctions on the country and a deadly attack on a commercial airliner flying over a disputed region of Ukraine sparked fresh hostilities, jeopardising the market's fragile rebound.
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What now for Russian capital markets?

Russia is back in the market – or is it? After four months of inactivity in the Russian Eurobond market, Alfa Bank and Sberbank broke the drought in June 2014, and the Russian equity market rebounded from the 26% slump in prices in the first quarter of 2014, but recent events have once again cast a shadow of doubt over the market.

First, on July 16, a fresh round of sanctions were imposed on Russia by the US. Then, the following day, a Malaysian Airlines airplane was brought down over a disputed region in eastern Ukraine, killing all 298 on board, raising tensions between pro-Russian separatists and the Ukrainian authorities, and leading to calls for further sanctions on Russia.

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