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AmericasMarch 23 2023

Colombia, Chile and Peru bet on stock exchange merger

The proposed integrated exchange of Colombia, Chile and Peru could be a beacon for more international investors if it proves it will be liquid enough and able to attract more issuers. Barbara Pianese reports.
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Colombia, Chile and Peru bet on stock exchange merger Free to trade: in 2020, total value of stocks traded amounted only to 1% of GDP in Peru.

The integration of the stock markets of Chile, Colombia and Peru, which started in 2018, is progressing. The new holding company should be authorised by the Chilean authorities within the next few months, after which the real integration process will begin. It is expected that the entity will be operative at the end of 2024. 

The first step was to get the project approved by the shareholders of the three exchanges and value the companies to see the position of each of the shareholders. The Chilean exchange will control 40% of the holding company, Colombia’s bourse another 40% and Peru’s the remaining 20%.

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Barbara Pianese is the Latin America editor at The Banker. She joined from Mergermarket, where she spent four years covering mergers and acquisitions across Europe with a focus on the consumer sector. She holds an MA in International and Diplomatic Affairs from the University of Bologna having studied in Brazil and France as well.
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