View from Davos 2011

View from Davos 2011

Date: 26-30 January, 2011
Location: Davos, Switzerland 

The Banker attended the 2011 World Economic Forum's annual meeting in Davos.

Three themes dominate The Banker's editorial coverage from Davos 2011 - regulation, climate change and sovereign default. Read our expert insight  and coverage from the event below.

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German banks feeling the strain

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Rescue packages and a rebounding economy have stabilised the German banking system. But it remains vulnerable to weak profitability, low-quality capital and exposure to cyclical industries abroad. Moreover, some believe that even the crisis has failed to force structural change. Writer Geraldine Lambe

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China has defied expectations by successfully establishing a number of state-owned, internationally competitive firms, but the country must increase its outward foreign direct investment if it is to establish a firmer footing in the global marketplace.


Getting government out of the financial system

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Banks which have received state aid are desperate to give it back because of the constraints under which it places them. Governments, too, want out of the banking system – but both camps face a host of potential pitfalls before this mutually desired exit strategy can be executed. writer Geraldine Lambe


Cleaning up sovereign debt

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The US and European governments have so far managed to maintain investor appetite for greatly increased issuance of public debt. But decisive action will be needed to avoid paying a high price in the near future. Writer Philip Alexander

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Davos 2011 – Editor's pre-event comment

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