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ESG concerns lead European banks to ‘debank’ defence firms, says EU defence body

Defence industry leaders blame ESG considerations for withdrawal of banking services and problems accessing loans and investments
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ESG concerns lead European banks to ‘debank’ defence firms, says EU defence bodyImage: Luke MacGregor/Bloomberg

European and UK banks are discriminating against defence companies by curbing lending to the sector and “debanking” customers, defence industry leaders claim.

They accuse banks of taking an “activist” stance against defence companies preventing them from opening bank accounts and excluding them from loans, investments and other financial services due to an increased focus on environmental, social and governance criteria, a situation they say is “unacceptable” given a resurgent Russia and increased geopolitical tensions. 

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Anita Hawser is the Europe editor at The Banker. For the past 20 years, Anita has worked as a freelance journalist for a range of banking, finance and tech titles covering topics such as cybersecurity, financial crime, cryptocurrencies, payments, trade and supply chain finance. Before joining The Banker, Anita was Europe editor at Global Finance.
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