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Election turmoil threatens French banks with capital losses and refinancing issues

One of the main risks for the banking sector is a ‘substantial and prolonged drop’ in the value of French government bonds 
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Election turmoil threatens French banks with capital losses and refinancing issuesImage: Remon Haazen/Getty Images

French banks could face higher funding costs and losses associated with their domestic debt holdings if upcoming parliamentary elections result in a prolonged period of political instability, Moody’s has warned.

Uncertainty over the outcome of the vote, which begins on June 30, pushed the yield on French sovereign bonds to 74 basis points over benchmark German bunds as of June 21, said Moody’s analysts in a research note published on Thursday. It has risen from below 50 basis points at the beginning of the month, the note stated.

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Anita Hawser is the Europe editor at The Banker. For the past 20 years, Anita has worked as a freelance journalist for a range of banking, finance and tech titles covering topics such as cybersecurity, financial crime, cryptocurrencies, payments, trade and supply chain finance. Before joining The Banker, Anita was Europe editor at Global Finance.
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