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Emerging markets to drive ESG bond issuance growth, says S&P

Asia, the Middle East and Latin America remain bright spots for geen, social and other ESG debt issuance as growth in Europe and the US slows, according to new research
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Emerging markets to drive ESG bond issuance growth, says S&PA power station stands at the site of the Punatsangchhu hydro-electric power project in Wangdue, Bhutan. Image: Bloomberg

High-income economies like the US and Europe have traditionally dominated green, social, sustainability and sustainability-linked bond issuance, but last year saw emerging markets take an increasing share as the energy transition accelerated in markets like Asia, the Middle East and Latin America, according to S&P’s latest sustainability insights research.

In 2023, total GSSSB issuance volume was similar to that in 2022 ($930bn), but this year it could pass the $1tn mark (excluding structured finance issuance), and attain an overall bond market share of 14 per cent (excluding sovereign and structured financing issuance), says S&P. These bonds refer to projects or strategic decisions relating to companies’ environmental, social and governance factors. The S&P’s GSSSB data also includes sovereign issuances.

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