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ViewpointSeptember 1 2011

Frugal Estonia's digital route to recovery

Estonian prime minister Andrus Ansip talks to Hugh O'Shaughnessy about the country's e-revolution, the power of its ID card, and the decision to reduce taxes for business and private citizens.
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Frugal Estonia's digital route to recovery

Andrus Ansip, prime minister of Estonia, is keen on economic progress based on orthodox strategies and he makes no secret of his aim to reduce taxes for business and the private citizen. “We have got to make the economic environment more business friendly,” he says. He does little to hide his lack of respect for other members of the eurozone who have plunged into deficit financing and sets out his aims in the present times of change.

“Economic experts all over the world agree that a balanced budget, reserves and as flexible an economy as possible, including a low debt burden, are of key importance in coping with the crisis. A government that starts distributing borrowed money to cover daily expenses has learned nothing from the crisis experiences of recent years,” he says.

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