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AgendaFebruary 1 2012

Itaú BBA leads Brazil's international charge

Itaú BBA International has outlined a new strategy that leverages both its global presence and its Latin American expertise. Its head of corporate banking for North America, Europe and Asia, Renato Lulia-Jacob, explains why in an increasingly globalised and competitive market, the bank has chosen to position itself in this way.
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Itaú BBA leads Brazil's international charge

Itaú BBA’s growth and ambition is as impressive as that of the Brazilian economy. Part of Brazil’s largest private sector banking group, Itaú Unibanco, Itaú BBA has a clear strategy for both Latin America and the rest of the world. As the group’s recent advertising slogan – 'I am a global Latin American' – suggests, the investment bank is aiming to extend its reach to companies around the globe.

This impetuousness is, of course, recent. The first bank Itaú BBA set up in Europe was in Portugal back in 1988. Acting as an independent subsidiary, it was hoped that the Portuguese bank would benefit from a strong affiliation with the 'old continent' and attain a higher investment grade for Itaú BBA. The bank was meant to be a de facto European bank and support trade between Portugal, Europe and Brazil.

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Silvia Pavoni is editor in chief of The Banker. Silvia also serves as an advisory board member for the Women of the Future Programme and for the European Risk Management Council, and is part of the London council of non-profit WILL, Women in Leadership in Latin America. In 2019, she was awarded an honorary fellowship by City University of London.
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