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AwardsDecember 4 2006


Raiffeisen bankaIn 2005, Raiffeisen banka continued to strengthen its leading position, recording a high market share of between 15% and 20% in all key business categories, and achieving a 33.6% growth in net profits as well as a healthy 30.6% RoE.
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The year was characterised by strong client expansion and branch network development, attracting 530 new large corporate clients and 150,000 new retail clients, and increasing branch numbers by 18 to reach 45 by year end.

CEO Oliver Rogl notes: “Founded only five years ago and having grown solely organically, Raiffeisen banka is the leading bank in Serbia for the third year in a row. It is so according to the main quantitative criteria – total assets, total loans and total deposits/borrowings from abroad – as well as referring to qualitative criteria.

“In spite of ever increasing competition and a restrictive monetary policy, Raiffeisen banka continues strengthening its leading position in the local market. Thanks to the continual strong growth of total assets (61% in 2005), it is one of the main driving forces of banking sector growth in Serbia.

“The bank’s customer-oriented approach and ability to offer to its clients a comprehensive range of banking products and services in accordance with western standards, while understanding the specific conditions and opportunities of the local market, has enabled Raiffeisen banka to be the bank of choice for the country’s leading local and multinational corporates, SMEs and more than 360,000 retail customers.”

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