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Who will enter 2008 listing?

Terry Baker-Self weighs up which 30 banks are likely to be next year’s arrivals to The Banker’s Top 1000 World Banks listing.
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On the surface it looks a very easy job to pick the Top 30 banks most likely to enter The Banker’s Top 1000 next year: just take the next 30 in the 2007 list by Tier 1 capital and there it is. Unfortunately, it is not that easy because factors such as exchange rate movements, loan book development and profitability all have an impact on Tier 1 capital growth or decline. Add to that uncertainties in the application and effect of Basel II on Tier 1 capital levels in financial year 2007 reporting and it will become apparent that it is not a simple task.

The list of likely candidates is headed by seven banks whose 2006 figures were received after the 2007 Top 1000 listing went to press, and so were judged on 2005 or even 2004 financial year data. Our table uses the latest data.

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