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AfricaDecember 30 2009

Salaheddine Mezouar

Salaheddine Mezouar, Minister of Economy and Finance for MoroccoMorocco's minister of economy and finance spoke to The Banker about fiscal reform, his plans to invest in the country's infrastructure to further diversify its economy and his priorities for 2010. Writer Charlie Corbett
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Salaheddine Mezouar

Q: What actions did you take to cope with the global economic downturn?

A: We decided to take three main approaches. The first was to continue to support growth through domestic demand. This is what we did in 2009 and will carry on doing in 2010. Second, we accelerated structural reform. The financial crisis must be used as an opportunity to prepare for conditions in a post-crisis world. During 2009, we did everything we could from a budgetary perspective to accelerate reform. The third component will be to continue to manage the current conditions and prepare for the way ahead in complete partnership with the banking and private sectors.

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