Latest articles from Central & eastern Europe

Ott Vatter teaser

Ott Vatter: how Estonia's e-Residency is leading the inequality charge

January 2, 2020

The managing director of Estonia’s e-Residency programme explains how the country's digital identity policy is positioning it as a leader in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

mBank teaser

Swiss franc loans issue continues to plague Polish banks

January 2, 2020

The EU has ruled that Poland's courts will decide whether Swiss franc loans issued locally in 2004 to 2008 were ‘abusive’, leaving banks facing legal action and, potentially, huge losses. 


Kazakhstan leads CIS ranking while Ukraine enjoys boom year

January 2, 2020

The Banker’s Top 100 CIS Banks ranking shows the region's banks are performing steadily. Though Tier 1 capital growth slowed, return on both assets and capital are on an upward trend.

Steven Maijoor teaser

Steven Maijoor: CMU is crucial to the EU's future

January 2, 2020

Achieving the CMU is crucial for the EU to address the challenges posed by Brexit, and support developments in sustainable finance and fintech, says the chairman of the ESMA.

Alfa Bank teaser

The Banker's Best-performing Banks ranking: BRICS countries

January 2, 2020

Which banks across Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa have performed the best in The Banker’s newly introduced ranking that measures a lender's performance across various key criteria? 

Belarusbank teaser

Belarus’s modernisation push moves up a gear

December 2, 2019

With its infrastructure being overhauled, a renewed focus on SME lending and mobile banking taking off, Belarus appears to be on an upward spiral. 

Abanka teaser

Central bank caution tempers Slovenian bank optimism

December 2, 2019

Slovenia’s central bank is restricting loans, uneasy about an overconfident relaxation of credit standards. 

to read
Pavel Kallaur teaser

Pavel Kallaur: insulating Belarus from external shocks

October 1, 2019

The chairman of the board at the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus talks about addressing the country’s vulnerability to trade tensions and the fluctuations of the Russian ruble.

Banca Transilvania teaser

Are Romanian banks prepared for an economic slowdown?

October 1, 2019

Having strengthened their balance sheets, Romanian banks are hopeful they can withstand stresses such as an economic slowdown and government plans over tax and pensions. 

Kirill Dmitriev teaser

Kirill Dmitriev: Russia and Saudi Arabia's mutually beneficial relationship

October 1, 2019

Russia and Saudi Arabia have deepened ties stemming from a 2016 agreement on oil, to include partnerships by their respective sovereign wealth funds. 

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