Latest articles from Russia

View of Shengjing Bank Shanghai Branch in Huangpu district, in Shanghai, China

Smaller Chinese banks at risk from US secondary sanctions on Russia, warn experts

July 8, 2024

Experts say secondary sanctions target Chinese banks helping Russia evade penalties

The logo of Raiffeisen bank is seen atop a building behind a monument to Vladimir Lenin in Moscow

Raiffeisen ceases all outgoing dollar payments from Russia due to US pressure

June 14, 2024

Regulatory burden on foreign banks still operating in Russia is about to get harder

Members of the economic and trade sanctions panel at the EBRD’s 2024 annual meeting

Scale and divergence of Russian sanctions hinders implementation, say banks

May 15, 2024

Understanding sanctions circumvention risk is complex and time consuming, say global and regional banks

Red Square

Latest results signal recovery for Russian banks

May 1, 2024

The greatest growth was seen by foreign-owned subsidiaries facing pressure to exit the Russian market

A Russian national flag above the headquarters of Bank Rossii, Russia's central bank, in Moscow, Russia

US moves closer to sanctioning international banks over Russia links

February 26, 2024

After Alexei Navalny’s death, Washington is reiterating its threat to target foreign banks over ties to Russia’s war effort

Russia exit

European banks still in Russia: should they stay or should they go?

March 17, 2023

As the prospect of selling their operations in Russia becomes increasingly challenging, should European banks walk away from their Russian operations or wait it out? 

A Russian flag with a cat's paw prints imprinted across it.

Russian sanctions: a cat and mouse game

March 15, 2023

A year in, how are the sanctions imposed by the West on Russian entities, goods, assets and individuals taking shape?

Russia lock

Navigating the regulatory web of Russia sanctions

September 29, 2022

The US, EU and UK have imposed an increasingly complex regime of sanctions on Russia as the war in Ukraine has evolved.

Inflation arrow

The Russia-Ukraine conflict’s effects on the global financial system

August 16, 2022

The war has led to difficult circumstances for the global financial system, leaving central banks with a tough choice. 

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Global lenders prepare to exit Russia

May 3, 2022

International banks face numerous challenges in leaving Russia, even after they have made their exit.

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