Latest articles from Central & eastern Europe

Warsaw teaser

Poland scoops financial services FDI Brexit dividend

July 4, 2018

Poland has attracted a good proportion of jobs and investment from US financial companies looking for bases outside a post-Brexit UK. Silvia Pavoni reports.

Europe primed for wave of banking consolidation

July 4, 2018

A decade after the crisis, consolidation might mean a healthier bank industry. 

Top 1000 World Banks - Russian banks' mixed fortunes influence CEE ranking

July 2, 2018

Russian banks dominate the central and eastern Europe rankings, taking the top places for Tier 1 capital, profitability and highest mover. However others experienced bailouts and nationalisations that pushed them down or out of the list, as Stefanie Linhardt reports.

Piotr Nowak teaser

Poland’s deputy finance minister stays close to the EU

June 1, 2018

Poland's deputy finance minister, Piotr Nowak, a former fund manager and trader, tells Stefanie Linhardt about the country's public fundraising plans and the importance of a good relationship with the buy side, as well as Poland’s future within the EU and the health of its banking sector.

Arben Ahmetaj teaser

Albania finance minister keeps eye on EU goal

May 1, 2018

Albania’s government is focusing on reforms designed to cut public debt and boost competition. Achieving economic stability will feed into the country’s EU aspirations, as minister of finance and economy Arben Ahmetaj tells Jason Mitchell.

Raiff Albania teaser

Albania looks ahead to prosperity and EU membership

May 1, 2018

Albania’s banks are expected to restart lending to the corporate sector, as government attempts to lower non-performing loans and reform the judicial system continue to improve the business environment and raise hopes of a future inside the EU. Jason Mitchell reports.

Dumitru Pintea teaser

Russia or the EU: which path will Moldova choose?

April 3, 2018

Moldova is torn between historic links to Russia and a possible future as part of the EU. Whichever direction the country opts for, it must resolve issues with corruption and diversification before it can progress. Kit Gillet reports.

Bank Millennium teaser

Poland’s banking sector heads for consolidation

April 3, 2018

Greater capital requirements and pressures on profits are likely to increase competition among Polish banks and encourage further consolidation. Stefanie Linhardt reports.

Banca de Economii teaser

Moldova’s banking sector edges towards stability

April 3, 2018

After a troubling period littered with fraud allegations and emergency measures, Moldova’s banks are seeing a slow return to growth and winning back popular trust. Kit Gillet reports.

Will EU dispute derail Poland's economy?

April 3, 2018

Poland's political dispute with the European Commission could threaten the country's impressive economic growth of recent years, reports Stefanie Linhardt.

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