Latest articles from Central & eastern Europe

Ewald Nowotay teaser

Ewald Nowotny: the renaissance of central European banking

January 2, 2018

Austrian banks were early movers into central, eastern and south-eastern Europe. But the traditional Austrian-based parent companies with regional subsidiaries have transformed into modern, integrated entities that bring together staff and technology from across the region, to the benefit of all, says Österreichische Nationalbank governor Ewald Nowotny.

Vilnius teaser

Baltics take first step towards regional capital market

January 2, 2018

Recognising there is strength in numbers, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are joining together to created a pan-Baltic capital market, with covered bonds the first product planned. Michael Turner reports.

Belarusbank teaser

Top 100 CIS Banks ranking: a partial comeback

December 1, 2017

Putting currency instability and low oil prices behind them, banks in the Commonwealth of Independent States had a healthier year in 2016. Andrew MacDowall reports.

Belarus recovery carousel

Belarus inches toward economic recovery

November 1, 2017

Belarus is gradually coming out of recession though its public sector reforms are too slow for some. This, combined with high dollarisation, could restrict its growth, writes Stefanie Linhardt.

Alfa Bank carousel

Belarus banks teeter on the brink of change

November 1, 2017

High NPL levels, an economy in need of de-dollarisation and the prominence of state-owned institutions are behind moves to consolidate and improve Belarus's banking sector. However, as Stefanie Linhardt reports, the pace of change is not as fast as some had hoped.

Time to tackle the vexed question of European NPLs

October 30, 2017

While proposals by Europe’s regulators to tackle the continent’s bad loans are already meeting resistance from some quarters. The issue must be tackled sooner rather than later.

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Azerbaijan strives to move on from IBA default

October 2, 2017

With International Bank of Azerbaijan’s debt restructuring pushed through, the country can now begin focusing on addressing the roots of its problems. But the task of finding ways to grow its economy with less reliance on oil will not be easy, as Michael Turner reports.

Boris Vujčić teaser

Croatian central bank governor talks down Agrokor impact

October 2, 2017

The restructuring of indebted retail giant Agrokor shook Croatia earlier in 2017, but central bank governor Boris Vujčić tells Stefanie Linhardt that the country's economy is still on course for growth, though some banks could take a hit on their profit sheets.

Elvira Nabiullina teaser

Elvira Nabiullina: how Russia is meeting inflation expectations

September 1, 2017

Russia's central bank governor talks to Stefanie Linhardt about how the country is reaching its inflation targets, why its international reserves have been rising, what impact low interest rates have had, and why Russia's banking sector is now in a stable position.

Postbank teaser

Tradition meets tech – Russia’s Post Bank model

September 1, 2017

Post Bank is going against the grain with plans to hold a total of 18,000 branches across Russia within two years. The lender is using legacy outlets from its Leto Bank and Russian Post origins to increase its reach, with a low-cost model that mixes ATMs and mobile transactions. Stefanie Linhardt reports.

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