Latest articles from Central & eastern Europe

Tinkoff teaser

Russia flies its fintech colours

January 2, 2017

The Russian government is committed to creating a strong fintech community to rival other global innovation hubs, and domestic banks are playing their role in providing start-ups with know-how and backing, writes Heather McKenzie. 

Matiss Ansviesulis teaser

Creamfinance finds the perfect blend

January 2, 2017

Creamfinance is carving itself a niche in consumer lending, with fast decision-making and clear fees. The company’s co-founder and chief executive explains its philosophy to Silvia Pavoni.

Currency depreciation hits CIS economies

December 1, 2016

Russia’s perilous economic and political situation spelled trouble in the Commonwealth of Independent States region, though there were promising signs in Uzbekistan and Ukraine.

China Russia salvation teaser

Is China's attention moving towards Russia?

December 1, 2016

After a contraction in investment levels since 2014, Russia’s first renminbi-denominated bond could signal the beginning of a new age of Chinese interest in the country’s financial potential. Stefanie Linhardt reports.


Moneta Money Bank awaits GE Capital’s final European move

November 1, 2016

As US conglomerate GE widely withdraws from banking in Europe, its latest and last beneficiary has been renamed Moneta Money Bank, which has reworked itself for the local Czech market. Stefanie Linhardt reports.

Is Brexit affecting London's status as Europe's financial services FDI leader?

November 1, 2016

London leads Europe for financial services FDI, but with a UK-EU divorce in sight, can the capital retain its attraction to investors? Silvia Pavoni reports.

Valeriia Hontareva teaser

Fixing the Ukraine banking sector: a central bank governor's guide

October 3, 2016

A get-tough approach has been the only way to reform Ukraine's under-regulated, corruption-ridden financial system, writes the country's central bank governor, Valeria Gontareva.

Barnabas Reynolds

IFCs jockey for post-Brexit spoils

October 3, 2016

London has long been the world’s pre-eminent international finance centre. But is this position under threat due to Brexit and the rise of Asia? Edward Russell-Walling investigates.

Sergei Guriev teaser

New EBRD chief economist looks to make reforms work for all

September 1, 2016

In September, Russian exile Sergei Guriev, a professor of economics, takes over as the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s chief economist. He tells Stefanie Linhardt about his plans and expectations, and why business acumen trumps academic prestige.

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Hard-pressed Russian banks eye M&A route to survival

September 1, 2016

A sluggish economy, high interest rates and greater scrutiny are hitting Russia's banks, especially smaller institutions, with some opting for consolidation as a way to survive, as Stefanie Linhardt reports.

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