Latest articles from Central & eastern Europe

Rosneft teaser

Can a state asset sell-off turn around Russia’s economy?

September 1, 2016

As Russia continues to grapple with low oil prices and Western sanctions, the government's structural reforms and privatisation plans are designed to kick-start growth and balance the budget deficit. But is the time right to sell state assets? Stefanie Linhardt investigates.

HPB teaser

Top 250 EU banks: assets down, profits up

September 1, 2016

The euro’s continuing fall against the dollar held back the major players in the EU, but Austria made a startling comeback and there was further good news from Romania and Croatia.

No such thing as a free Russian bank

August 30, 2016

Are the 'free' failed banks available in Russia under the sanation process all that they seem? Not quite...

Ulrich Kissing teaser

Addiko: turning around Hypo Alpe Adria

August 1, 2016

Much has been written about Austria's Heta, the ‘bad bank’ which took on the toxic assets of Hypo Alpe Adria. But what of Addiko, which was created from the good parts of its south-eastern European network? Stefanie Linhardt investigates.

Walking away teaser

Walking away: anti-bank politics in eastern Europe

August 1, 2016

In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, populist politicians in central and eastern Europe realised that struggling homeowners could be their new powerbase. Lenders are facing a potential onslaught of unwelcome government intervention in the banking sector, though there could be a silver lining. Stefanie Linhardt reports.

Anca Dana Dragu

Romania’s minister of public finance puts transparency first

August 1, 2016

With only a few months to go before the country’s elections, Romanian minister of public finance Anca Dana Dragu talks to Stefanie Linhardt about her ministry’s tax and infrastructure plans.

Bucharest stock exchange

Bucharest Stock Exchange: the quest for liquidity

August 1, 2016

Bucharest Stock Exchange lacks only liquidity to move from 'frontier' to 'emerging' market status. And, as Stefanie Linhardt discovers, a partnership with the pan-south-eastern European trading platform SEE Link could help the Romanian bourse get there.

New bill puts Romania’s mortgage lenders under pressure

July 20, 2016

At the end of April, Romania’s parliament approved a bill allowing borrowers to walk away from their mortgage debts. The Banker looks at mortgage holdings of the largest banks in the country.  

Marek Belka teaser

Outgoing Polish CBG urges successor to focus on stability

July 1, 2016

Poland’s outgoing central bank chief Marek Belka tells Stefanie Linhardt that maintaining banking stability will be the major issue for his replacement. 

Konstantin Tserazov teaser

Otkritie FC Bank investment chief aims for further diversification

July 1, 2016

In two years, Otkritie FC Bank’s Konstantin Tserazov has transformed its investment business through a three-way split between its bond portfolio, repurchase agreements and derivatives. Now, he tells Stefanie Linhardt, he intends to diversify the Russia-focused bank even further.

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