Latest articles from Central & eastern Europe


Tinkoff spreads its wings

November 2, 2015

Russian lender Tinkoff has fared better than most of its peers during the uncertainty that has engulfed the country's economy in the past 12 months, thanks in no small part to a wide portfolio of products, which take in debit and credit cards, insurance, mortgages and SME servicing. 


Belarusian banks seek SME and de-dollarisation salvation

November 2, 2015

Belarus has been hit hard by falling oil prices, its heavy dependence on Russian exports and the devaluation of the rouble, which has led to a contraction of the economy. But banks are looking to SME financing – as well as a spell of de-dollarisation – to get the country back on a sound financial footing.


Belarus deputy economy minister seeks investment to counter external woes

November 2, 2015

Belarus’s first deputy minister of the economy, Alexander Zaborovskiy, explains how a flexible exchange rate scheme and a more attractive investment environment can help the country survive knock-on effects of the economic difficulties facing neighbouring Russia and Ukraine.

Ranks of correspondent banks grow thinner

October 15, 2015
Correspondent banking remains an important channel for financial flows within the eurozone, but the market is becoming increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few institutions

Exposures and connectivity increase as EU banks simplify balance sheets

September 8, 2015

Europe’s banks are increasing their interdependence and shedding complex assets, according to the European Banking Authority.


Top 250 EU banks ranking 2015: euro depreciation leaves its mark

September 1, 2015

The latest ranking of EU banks shows balance sheets and capital have shrunk for most on the back of a weakening euro, while Spanish banks managed to increase their profitability and specialised banks emerged with the highest returns. 


What now for development banks in central and eastern Europe?

September 1, 2015

International financial institutions remain crucial in central and eastern Europe as the fallout from the financial crisis continues to make its presence felt. But just how far should these development banks go in helping to resolve the various crises that have hit the countries of this region in recent years? 


Will China's New Silk Road progress smoothly?

September 1, 2015

China's One Belt, One Road initiative – building a new Silk Road between western Europe and China's east coast as well as improving the Maritime Silk Road – will be a major game changer for international trade. Stefania Palma assesses its possible impact.


Ukraine finance minister plots a journey back to growth

September 1, 2015

Ukraine has experienced a devastating sequence of events in recent years, but now, thanks to the new government's reform programme, its citizens can look to a brighter future, says the country's finance minister Natalie Jaresko.


Consolidation and stabilisation: Serbian finance minister's hopes for reforms

September 1, 2015

Serbia's economic struggles have been well documented over the past few years, with its fiscal deficit particularly worrying. The country's finance minister, Dušan Vujović, tells Stefanie Linhardt how the government's reforms are already advancing down a route he hopes will lead to full EU accession.

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