Latest articles from Central & eastern Europe

CEE reels from Swiss franc exposure

CEE reels from Swiss franc exposure

March 2, 2015

As the Swiss National Bank removed its cap against the euro, the risk of borrowing in foreign currencies was made clear, as countries that had been busily borrowing in the Swiss franc reeled at the impact of its sudden appreciation. 

Eurozone meltdown

Eurozone meltdown: how can it be avoided?

March 2, 2015

As the need to resolve the eurozone crisis intensifies, member states seem to be moving further apart on key issues, including the architecture of the union and the terms of Greece's bail-out package. But while political rifts open up, many economists agree that the only way forward is by working towards greater economic integration. 

The new kid on the euro bloc

Lithuania: the new kid on the euro bloc

February 2, 2015

Lithuania became the 19th country to adopt the euro as its currency in January, joining Baltic neighbours Latvia and Estonia. But what benefits can the country expect to see from this move?

Top 100 Russian banks ranking

Top 100 Russian banks ranking: Russia's troubles rumble on

January 28, 2015

Russia's banks endured a tough 2013, as shown by the results in The Banker's Top 100 ranking, with the picture only likely to get bleaker when the impact of a turbulent 2014 is known.

Lithuania prepares for life in the eurozone

January 5, 2015

From dealing with the knock-on effects of the US and EU sanctions on Russia to preparing for the adoption of the euro, Lithuania's finance minister Rimantas Šadžius has been kept busy this year. But, despite the headwinds, Lithuania has managed to record one of the highest GDP growth rates in Europe.

Russia walks a tightrope

January 5, 2015

A tumbling exchange rate and sharp interest rate hikes point to growing threats to Russia's financial stability in 2015, even though the central government's debt burden is very low.

Foreign banks face heavy hit from Russian slump

December 19, 2014
Russian bank subsidiaries teaser

Russia has been a key profit driver for several Western European banks and the slide in the rouble will have a significant impact.

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Bank of the Year Awards 2014 – global and regional winners

November 28, 2014

The best of the best are celebrated as The Banker crowns the global Bank of the Year, and hands out the laurels for our regional winners and the lender that has excelled the most when it comes to financial inclusion.

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Bank of the Year Awards 2014 – central and eastern Europe

November 28, 2014

2014's best banks from central and eastern Europe.

Constantin Niţă

Romanian minister of economy seeing benefits of EU membership

November 3, 2014

Romania's minister of economy, Constantin Niţă, talks about the country's economic outlook, the impact of EU membership and the challenges posed by the crisis between neighbouring Ukraine and Russia.

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