Latest articles from Central & eastern Europe

A flooded and destroyed building in Ukraine

How Ukraine can ‘build back better’

August 17, 2023

Development money is pouring into Ukraine, but some NGOs and civil society organisations are not convinced the money is being well spent. And what does “build back better” even mean? 

Europe map on euro note

Will windfall taxes spread across Europe?

August 15, 2023

The Italian windfall tax on banks has raised questions over whether more governments will consider implementing their own levy.

EU flag against light

EC modernises its anti-fraud efforts with €34m deal

August 14, 2023

Data lies at the heart of combating fraud in the EU. 

GET Armenia

Caucasus banks benefit from Russian outflows

July 19, 2023

Lenders in the Caucasus region have benefited from the turmoil resulting from Russia's invasion of Ukraine, while questions remain regarding Turkish banks as the new central bank governor and finance minister are appointed.

All change in Poland’s performance table

July 5, 2023

Poland’s largest bank, PKO Bank Polski, is deposed from the top spot in this year’s overall best-performing table.

Bigger is better: consolidation in Hungary

July 5, 2023

Hungary’s MBH Bank makes its presence felt in the CEE region’s highest movers table

Odile Renaud-Basso

EBRD on Ukraine, renewables investment and SVB fallout

April 19, 2023

EBRD president Odile Renaud-Basso says the bank is keeping the lights on in Ukraine and has the capacity to do more to help combat climate change.

Russia exit

European banks still in Russia: should they stay or should they go?

March 17, 2023

As the prospect of selling their operations in Russia becomes increasingly challenging, should European banks walk away from their Russian operations or wait it out? 

A Russian flag with a cat's paw prints imprinted across it.

Russian sanctions: a cat and mouse game

March 15, 2023

A year in, how are the sanctions imposed by the West on Russian entities, goods, assets and individuals taking shape?

Portrait of Sven Kirsipuu

Estonia’s latest eurobond issuance attracts newcomers

January 26, 2023

While market conditions were fragile in 2022, the republic found a good window in October to launch its second sovereign bond in two years.  

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