Latest articles from Central & eastern Europe

Samir Sharifov

July 6, 2010

Azerbaijan's finance minister tells The Banker about the country's strategy to diversify its economy away from a dependence on oil exports and addresses international questions about the government's fiscal transparency. Writer Michelle Price

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CEE infrastructure generates international teamwork

July 6, 2010

With help from multilateral institutions, transport infrastructure finance deals in the new and aspiring EU members are still being completed, but on much more conservative terms. Writer Philip Alexander

Russia's second-tier investment banks have ambitious plans

May 28, 2010

As Russian capital markets activity revives, second-tier investment banking groups have ambitious plans to share a larger slice of the business. But competition is tough. Writer Philip Alexander

Trying to turn the taps back on

May 5, 2010

Croatia entered the financial crisis with its banking sector in good shape, but rising unemployment and fiscal pressures are dampening new lending activity. Writer Nick Saywell


New laws and new loans needed

May 5, 2010

There is considerable investor interest in the debt collection business in Russia, but achieving growth is not straightforward, even though the industry is still young. Writer Philip Alexander

Lean and liquid

May 5, 2010

The Russian consumer lending boom came to an abrupt end in late 2008, but convergence between consumer finance and traditional retail banking is providing the tools for sustainable growth. Writer Philip Alexander

Finance minister Jacek Rostowski determined to reduce deficit

March 31, 2010

Poland has emerged as the most resilient economy in the EU during the global slowdown. However, The Banker's European Finance Minister of the Year is determined to stay ahead of the pack, and is now prioritising bringing down the country's budget deficit. Writer Philip Alexander

Vladimir Dmitriev

March 31, 2010

State-owned development bank Vnesheconombank became a vital tool for the Russian government to combat the financial crisis, not only at home but also in neighbouring countries. The bank's chairman explains how it is exiting the assistance phase and preparing a long-term role in the economy. Writer Philip Alexander

Slovenia looks before it leaps

March 31, 2010

Slovenia tracked the market's reaction to Greece's 10-year bond release in early March before moving quickly into action with its second bond issue of the year. Writer Edward Russell-Walling


Cautious optimism prevails in Europe's youngest nation

March 3, 2010

A diversified economy of micro-businesses has shielded Kosovo from the worst effects of the financial crisis, but its unresolved national status and uncertain legal environment continue to pose challenges. Writer Nick Saywell

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