Latest articles from Central & eastern Europe

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The Russia-Ukraine conflict’s effects on the global financial system

August 16, 2022

The war has led to difficult circumstances for the global financial system, leaving central banks with a tough choice. 

croatia econ new

A historic year ahead for Croatia, as it gets set to join eurozone

July 29, 2022

Next year is gearing up to be an important one for Croatia’s economy after EU finance ministers gave the approval for Croatia’s membership of the eurozone.


Croatia’s banks to play key role in transition to eurozone

July 29, 2022

With Croatia set to join the eurozone in January 2023, the country’s banks are likely to play a significant role in the transition to the single currency.

Mixed fortunes for European banks’ capital positions

July 4, 2022

It was a mixed picture for European banks’ capital positions in 2021, with almost every lender in the top 10 table for central and eastern Europe seeing a rise in their Tier 1 capital, yet the opposite was true for western Europe.

Polish banks benefit from rising rates

July 4, 2022

A rapid economic recovery has given a boost to Poland’s banks, but a slowdown from high inflation is on the way, driving up the cost of risk for banks. 

Natural gas pipeline

EBRD climate chief addresses the difficulty in moving away from gas

May 27, 2022

Harry Boyd-Carpenter, managing director, green economy and climate action at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, speaks to Burhan Khadbai about the bank’s climate strategy, what it classifies as green investments, the role of gas and the impact of the war in Ukraine on the sustainability transition.

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Global lenders prepare to exit Russia

May 3, 2022

International banks face numerous challenges in leaving Russia, even after they have made their exit.


The Banker's Top 30 Nordic Banks 2022

May 3, 2022

The Banker’s 2022 Top 30 Nordic Banks ranking shows results from lenders in a region that continues to display solid fundamentals. Burhan Khadbai reports.

mugur isarescu

National Bank of Romania sees opportunities ahead

April 29, 2022

Mugur Isarescu, governor of the National Bank of Romania, speaks to Kit Gillet about the pandemic, key recent developments for Romania’s banking sector and the outlook for the period ahead.

Romania econ

Romania gears up for another challenging year

April 27, 2022

For eastern European economies like Romania, the unsettled times continue. The pandemic took hit economic growth and now the war in nearby Ukraine, coupled with high energy prices and rising inflation, could lead to renewed challenges. 

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