Latest articles from Central & eastern Europe


Local players step up as Russian market thaws

October 5, 2009

Russian capital markets have taken longer than most to thaw in the wake of the credit crisis, but leading local investment banks are now getting the chance to put their new ownership structures to the test. Writer Philip Alexander

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Where traditional banking models suit tough times

September 2, 2009

The global slowdown has not spared Bosnia-Herzegovina, but the conservative strategies of many local banks have given them some support and protection. Writer Philip Alexander

Oil price slump has Azerbaijan preparing for a slowdown

August 4, 2009

Banks in Azerbaijan have been remote from the global financial market turmoil but are readying themselves for a fall in economic output at home, due to the country's reliance on oil revenues. Writer Michael Imeson

Alexander Dubilet

July 7, 2009

The chairman of PrivatBank explains how the bank intends to ride out the downturn through its focus on increasing liquidity and improving the quality of its loan portfolio. Writer Brian Caplen

Long-term finance in troubled times

June 4, 2009

The importance of small regional development banks in emerging Europe has surged as credit ratings decline and global commercial banks cut back project and trade finance. Writer Philip Alexander

To the Balkans and Beyond

May 5, 2009

Over the past decade, Greece's leading banks have expanded into south-east Europe. To remain competitive, however, they will now need to weather the financial storm and continue to focus on increasing their presence in the Balkans and the rest of eastern Europe. Writer Kerin Hope

Battling to maintain investment: Volatile Times

May 5, 2009

Estonia has previously eclipsed the other two Baltic states as a destination for inward investment, but all three are now aiming to move up the value chain by enhancing local skills to bring in top technology and service companies, reports Tom Blass.

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