Latest articles from Central & eastern Europe

Putting on a brave face

May 5, 2009

A fall in the exchange rate has caused problems for borrowers in foreign currency. But moderate loan-to-value ratios and high levels of capital should see the banks through. Writer Nick Kochan

Revival process: Volatile Times

May 5, 2009

Latvia has been the worst-hit of the three Baltic states following the global credit squeeze and economic slowdown. Bank of Latvia governor Ilmars Rimsevics tells Lara Williams how policy makers are responding to the challenges.

Latvia looks beyond the gloom: Volatile Times

May 5, 2009

While Latvia has not been immune to the effects of the global economic downturn, it is keenly positioned to attract investors into the country when things pick up, says Olyga Ertuganove, senior analyst at Latvijas Krãjbanka.

The long road back: Volatile Times

May 5, 2009

Without an injection of millions of euros from the international banking community, Parex Bank would have gone under last November. But just six months on, Robert Anderson reports on Latvia's second largest bank's slow, but steady recovery.


Counting the cost: Volatile Times

May 5, 2009

The aggressive increase in residential and commercial real estate lending in the three Baltic states by Swedbank and SEB has left the two institutions painfully exposed to the market crash. Robert Anderson reports

Opportunity to reflect: Volatile Times

May 5, 2009

The Lithuanian economy has skyrocketed during the past decade largely due to expansive borrowing. However the country's financing model requires some fine-tuning to help it through the global slowdown, reports Gitanas Kancerevycius.

Preparing for the rebound: Looking East

May 5, 2009

Few markets in central and eastern Europe have escaped investor fears over excessive corporate debt. Equity offerings are on hold and refinancing conditions have rarely been tougher, but there are opportunities for banks that stay in the game, writes Philip Alexander.

Opportunities beyond the downturn: Looking East

May 5, 2009

The banking sector across emerging Europe is varied, and although even its most dynamic economies are being impeded by the slowdown, forecasts suggest they have the growth potential to bounce back, reports UniCredit Group's global economics, fixed income and foreign exchange research team.

Intesa Sanpaolo invests in Eastern promise: Looking East

May 5, 2009

Intesa Sanpaolo rose to prominence as Italy's largest bank after a series of domestic mergers and takeovers, and has improved its status further with a raft of selective acquisitions in central and eastern Europe, writes David Lane in Rome.

Keeping faith with convergence: Looking East

May 5, 2009

The share prices of leading Italian banks were buffeted in early 2009 as investors anticipated damage to asset quality from their high exposure to emerging Europe. But senior managers say the region is still at the heart of their strategy, writes Philip Alexander.

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