Latest articles from Central & eastern Europe

Robust and ready

May 5, 2009

The global recession is nothing new to Turkey's bankers, who have learnt the lessons of the country's economic crisis of 2001 and are showing great resilience as their global peers falter. Writer Metin Demirsar

Who's afraid of the IMF?

May 5, 2009

The full force of the global recession has hit Turkey with falls in exports leading to job cuts. Bankers say an IMF deal would help but the government is reluctant. Writer Metin Demirsar
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, prime minister of Turkey

A Czech cure for the credit crunch

April 7, 2009

The Czech Republic will not be immune from the slowing global economy but Ceska sporitelna starts from a position of strong risk management and ample liquidity, says CEO Gernot Mittendorfer. Writer Philip Alexander

Keeping funds to regions flowing

April 7, 2009

As Russia's less developed regional banks are hit hard by the liquidity crisis, the chairman of Bank Center-Invest outlines his response. Writer Philip Alexander

Viktor Yushchenko

March 10, 2009

The president of Ukraine characterises his country’s economic outlook in the face of the current crisis as ‘difficult but not tragic’.

Ukraine’s cry for help

March 10, 2009

Ukraine’s banking system, loaded with external debt, has been one of the most exposed to the global credit crunch. IMF intervention is plugging the leaks for the time being but the country’s economic prospects remain bleak. Writer Nick Kochan.

State-owned banks tighten grip

February 2, 2009

The Russian banking sector has been transformed by the crisis in 2008, but signs of the change were already clear in the end-2007 data included in these rankings, as the difficulties of raising capital began to bite. Writer Philip Alexander.

Banks merge to combat crisis

February 2, 2009

As Russia undergoes its own financial crisis, the country’s authorities appear to be encouraging consolidation to remove the weaker players. But buyers will be taking a close look at their assets. Writer Ben Aris.

Winners and losers in the downturn

January 5, 2009

One of the world’s fastest-growing regions during the boom years, eastern Europe became one of the major victims of the credit crunch as aggressive lending strategies turned sour. But there are still plenty of banks in a position to thrive. Writer Jan Cienski in Warsaw.

Mattias Westman

January 5, 2009

Lowered oil prices and political fear have rocked the balance of Russia’s economy, but there is still some cause for optimism.

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