Latest articles from Central & eastern Europe

Russia’s urgent need for more red tape

September 3, 2007

Reg Rage often criticises regulation, but where Russia’s concerned, more is needed – and quickly. The country’s banking sector is undergoing regulatory reform, but too slowly, writes Michael Imeson.

CZARs chew over coming clean

September 3, 2007

While some eastern European mega companies are improving corporate governance and listing abroad, others are moving back closer to the state. Ben Aris explains.

Pole positions for Polish and Hungarian leaders

September 3, 2007

Our listing reveals that retail continues to drive banking sector growth, while low household credit levels remain enticing to western European institutions.

Russia: slow progress

August 1, 2007

When it comes to big statements and declarations of intention, Russia might come across as more vocal in inviting the private sector into its infrastructure and strategic sectors, while still maintaining control of the most important assets.

The next stop for investment in public private partnerships

August 1, 2007

Bankers are looking at the BRIC countries to expand their business and to boost public private partnership portfolios. Which are the most appealing locations? Silvia Pavoni, John Rumsey, Ben Aris and Kala Rao report on the state of PPP development in Brazil, Russia, China and India .

New strength attracts interest

August 1, 2007

Kazakhstan’s economic growth story is attracting foreign investors, especially in the booming banking sector. Ben Aris reports.

Kazakh bank makes inroads into China

August 1, 2007

One emerging market bank on the move is Bank TuranAlem, which, as one of the largest private banks in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), is expanding overseas.

PKO’s headache

July 4, 2007

Poland’s largest bank, the state-owned PKO, is operating without a head while the ruling party searches for a ‘suitable’ CEO. Jan Cienski reports from Warsaw.

Profits among the crumbs

July 2, 2007

New foreign players from HSBC to Poland’s mBank will have to settle for niche roles in a profitable banking market with little room for new entrants, writes Jan Cienski in Prague.

Policy clash leaves economy vulnerable

July 2, 2007

In theory, joining the EU should force a country to adopt greater policy discipline. In practice, Romania’s muddy political waters and an appetite for spending are about to magnify its vulnerabilities, putting fiscal and monetary policy at odds, writes Adina Postelnicu.

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