Latest articles from Central & eastern Europe

The hard work begins

April 2, 2007

With EU accession and a strengthening economy, Romanians may be increasingly positive about their future, but tough challenges remain. Neil Tyler reports.

Russia bids for a slice of the outsourcing action

April 2, 2007

Of the BRIC countries, India and China have been the driving forces on the outsourcing front. Now Russia – with its smaller, highly qualified team model – is stepping into the fray. Dan Barnes reports.

Buoyed up over flotations

March 5, 2007

Ben Aris reports on Ukraine’s rapid economic growth that should fuel a flurry of IPO activity this year.

Positive wave rolls on

March 5, 2007

The wave of flotations that began in 2005 continues and some of the big banks have been joining the fray. Christopher Pala reports from Almaty on the positive effects on political risk.

Supervisors must be professionals

March 5, 2007

Whether responsibility for banking supervision in the EU lies with national central banks or with separate agencies, it must be able to stand up to pressure, argues Jean Lemierre.

Credit environment bodes well

February 5, 2007

Russia dominated the bonds and equities scenes last year but this year there are likely to be opportunities for small corporates and second-tier banks in other CEE countries to join the fray, writes Michael Marray.

Central Banker of the Year/Europe

January 8, 2007

Zsigmond Jarai
Governor, Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Hungary

Getin’s rapid rise From the bottom of the sea

January 8, 2007

Jan Cienski reports from Warsaw on the adrenaline-fuelled journey from commercial diver to billionaire banking mogul of Getin Holding founder Leszek Czarnecki.

The Champion bank that came from nowhere

January 8, 2007

A series of mergers have given UralSib a highly diversified profile and turned it into Russia’s largest privately owned commercial bank. Ben Aris reports from Moscow.

Hot pursuit of clients in Russia’s coldest outposts

January 8, 2007

Based in western Siberia, Sibacadembank has been expanding virtually unopposed, attracting international suitors and making plans to float. Chairman Igor Kim talks to Ben Aris.

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