Latest articles from Central & eastern Europe

ING romania

Romanian banks brace for uncertain 2022

April 21, 2022

Last year was the most profitable year on record for Romanian banks, but this year is set to be different.

Odile Renaud Basso

EBRD president makes support for Ukraine a top priority

April 20, 2022

The president of the EBRD, Odile Renaud-Basso, on the bank’s support for Ukraine following its invasion by Russia.

Global M&A volumes drop by 20% in Q1

April 19, 2022

It has not been a great start to the year for the global mergers and acquisitions market, with deal volumes down across all regions. 

Global M&A volumes
VTB Russia

Russia faces banking crisis as sanctions bite

April 11, 2022

Following some of the harshest sanctions ever imposed on a country, Russia could face a banking crisis within a year as its economy braces for the worst contraction in nearly three decades.

Joji Ozawa_Milbank - LND-HRES

New Russian sanctions present tricky issues for borrowers and issuers

March 30, 2022

How borrowers and issuers can navigate the exposure risk to recently sanctioned creditors is a difficult question to answer.

BLM Russia sanctions

International banks feel the pain from Russian sanctions

March 25, 2022

How can banks learn from this experience to be better prepared for future geopolitical conflicts?

Italian and French banks most exposed to Russia

March 15, 2022

Italian and French banks carry the greatest risks to their financial prospects among foreign lenders operating in Russia, according to the latest statistics from BIS. 

Russia exposure

Russian corporate debt under pressure from sanctions

March 8, 2022

Large volumes of debt from Russian borrowers are at risk of being pushed into junk status. 

Russian corp debt 080222
Swift BLM

Swift ban won't seriously impact Russian banks

March 1, 2022

Removal of Russian banks from Swift will not cause serious disruptions to the country’s lenders.

Poland econ

Headwinds lie in wait for Polish economy

February 28, 2022

Poland’s robust growth in 2021 is expected to continue in 2022. However, the economy is not immune to emerging challenges, including inflation, geopolitical tensions and raising interest rates.

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