Latest articles from Central & eastern Europe

Progress slow on modernisation

April 3, 2006

Until there is clarity over home country rule, Slovenian privatisation will be held up. Brian Caplen reports.

Bajuk’s balancing act

April 3, 2006

Slovenia’s finance minister Andrej Bajuk won The Banker’s award as best finance minister in Europe 2006. Here he explains to Brian Caplen how the Slovenian economy works.

Centre stage for niche performers

March 6, 2006

Investors cannot wait for the expected wave of IPOs among Russia’s top-end banks in 2007. Ben Aris profiles four dynamic players flirting with flotation.

Shaky foundations

February 6, 2006

As opposition to the merger of Poland’s Pekao and BPH mounts, the banks’ contrasting approaches to foreign currency lending are highlighting concerns over the surge in Swiss franc-denominated mortgages. Nick Spiro reports.

Rosbank – Life after merger

February 6, 2006

The completion of the merger between Rosbank and 1stOVK bank has made Rosbank one of Russia’s top three privately owned retail banks. Rosbank chairman Alexander Popov talked to The Banker about his plans.

Alfa Bank – Commercial Giant

February 6, 2006

After setting up his own sales finance company in the Czech Republic and then travelling the world for eight years working for GE Capital, Petr Smida took up his post as Alfa Bank’s CEO two years ago. Here he gives his first extensive interview to The Banker.

A resurgence without risk

February 6, 2006

Financial-industrial groups are making a comeback, but the banks they created are reducing risk by diversifying from related-party business. Meanwhile, the pure banks have also benefited from the economic upturn. Ben Aris reports from Moscow.


January 2, 2006

Raiffeissen Bank
Steven Grunerud,CEO


January 2, 2006

Faig Huseynov,Chairman


January 2, 2006

Sergey Kostyuchenko, CEO

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