Latest articles from Central & eastern Europe

Boom time for CEE banking

October 3, 2005

Hungary’s OTP tops the list as central European banks enjoy good times and foreign players join the party.

Emerging Europe faces Basel upheaval

October 3, 2005

There are major issues to iron out for EU emerging markets in adopting Basel II, warns the EBRD’s Piroska M. Nagy.

Foreign players vote with their feet

September 5, 2005

Although the economy is in bad shape, Croatia remains a magnet for foreign banks, simply because Croatians like to borrow and save.Tom Blass reports.

Raiffeisen International seals deal to buy Ukraine’s Aval

September 5, 2005

After months of negotiations, Vienna-based Raiffeisen International (RI) has signed a landmark purchase agreement to acquire a 93.5% stake in Ukraine’s second largest bank, Bank Aval.
The deal, which is still subject to regulatory approval in Ukraine and Austria, adds significantly to RI’s existing banking assets in Ukraine and reflects its pioneering style in central and eastern Europe.

HSBC reclaims region’s top rank

September 5, 2005

The global giant clambers back up to number one and a different picture emerges as M&As filter through.

Albania’s slow awakening

August 1, 2005

As the economy continues to expand, foreign banks are gradually moving into Albania, with growth in lending and consolidation. Kerin Hope reports.

UniCredit steals a march on the competition

August 1, 2005

Italy’s UniCredit has bolstered its presence in the ‘new Europe’ with its purchase of HVB. But, as Nick Spiro reports, integration will present it with a real challenge.

Building blocks for leadership

August 1, 2005

Vneshtorgbank is using its acquisition of Guta Bank to build up its retail services, planning more branches and aiming for a leading role in the mortgage market. By Brian Caplen.
Russian state-owned Vneshtorgbank is pushing ahead on the retail front, aiming to claim an 8%-10% share of the market by 2010. During that period, total assets are expected to rise from $15bn to $35bn, including a forecast rise in mortgages from $150m to $2bn and in consumer lending from $300m to $3bn.

Ukraine leads Russia into EU

August 1, 2005

Ukraine and Russia will be in the EU within the next 15 years, argue Peter Schwartz and Chris Coldewey, with Ukraine in pole position.

Banks pile in to join Baltic boom

July 4, 2005

Ben Aris reports on the banking sector surge in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, spurred on by EU accession and foreign interest in the market.

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