Latest articles from Central & eastern Europe

Losing ground but not heart

April 5, 2004

Growing competition and the countdown to losing its state guarantee on retail deposits are two challenges that Russia’s giant Sberbank faces. But as chairman Andrei Kazmin tells Ben Aris, he isn’t panicking.

Retail revolution

April 5, 2004

State-of-the-art information technology is transforming the experience of retail banking in Russia. Michael Imeson outlines the latest developments.

Russia’s home run

April 5, 2004

Vneshtorgbank offers a complete range of financial services, but it is its household mortgage lending service that answers a particular need.

Ready for renewal

April 5, 2004

Russia’s financial sector is in recovery from the 1998 crisis and banks are keen to gain an edge by using customer relationship management. But, as Wendy Atkins explains, first they must do their homework.

Eastward ho

April 5, 2004

The ECB’s Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa dismisses talk of a double standard being applied to the 10 EU accession countries. Interview by Jan Wagner in Frankfurt.

When is the right time for EMU entry?

April 5, 2004

Despite some difficulties, several new EU member countries could also be part of the euro currency zone as early as 2008. Given the demands of the process and their consequences, Marianne Kager reports on whether sooner is better.

Holding fast to its independence

April 5, 2004

For a large, underpopulated country, Kazakhstan has achieved impressive economic growth in recent years. And, despite Western criticism of endemic corruption and poor distribution of wealth, the country looks set to continue on the same path. Chris Pala reports.

Keeping ahead of the neighbours

April 5, 2004

Prudent management of its oil reserves and a commitment to propriety is making Kazakhstan a regional success story. Chris Pala in Almaty explains.

Building bridges

March 3, 2004

Croatia’s new government has its work cut out preparing for Nato entry and EU accession negotiations as well as strengthening the country’s external trade balance in a slowing economy. Istvan Lengyel reports from Zagreb.

The tourist trail

March 3, 2004

A carefully planned tourism industry will provide Croatia with jobs and economic growth.

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