Latest articles from Central & eastern Europe

Russia’s latest space race

December 2, 2003

Funds are rushing to get a slice of Russia’s property pie before the limited supply of top quality buildings dries up. Ben Aris reports.
The leading Russian Trading System index sailed through its all time
high of 571 on October 9 to 637.77. With Russia’s blue chips already
trading at fair value, investors are looking for news ways to get some
exposure to Russia’s ballistic growth. They are turning to real
estate’s high returns and low risk and last month saw the first ever
institutional investment into real estate by a dedicated real estate

Home economics

December 2, 2003

Mortgage deals are pushing demand for mid-priced residential property through the roof. By Ben Aris.

Export guarantees boost Russian manufacturing

December 2, 2003

Ben Aris considers the Russian government’s latest move to end the country’s dependence on oil revenue.

Sberbank enjoys the lion’s share

December 2, 2003

Russia’s economy is buoyant but there remain many improvements to be made to the banking system.

Sovereign rating boost spurs Russia’s retail giant to issue $1bn Eurobond

November 3, 2003

Russia’s state-owned retail giant Sberbank issued its first Eurobond last month. The bank is the first to cash in on ratings agency Moody’s surprise decision to award a two-notch upgrade to the sovereign rating – taking Russia into investment grade territory.

Russian banks fight harder for consumer business

November 3, 2003

Competition is heating up among Russia’s banks and foreign players for a slice of the growing retail banking and mortgage lending markets that are catering for the new middle class. Anthony Robinson reports from Moscow.

Market booms

November 3, 2003

Foreign-owned bank expansion and strong economics are fuelling
the growth trend. Alice Brand reports.

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