Latest articles from Poland

Winners and losers in the downturn

January 5, 2009

One of the world’s fastest-growing regions during the boom years, eastern Europe became one of the major victims of the credit crunch as aggressive lending strategies turned sour. But there are still plenty of banks in a position to thrive. Writer Jan Cienski in Warsaw.

Warsaw vies with AIM for foreign IPO business

March 4, 2008

Poland’s thriving stock exchange is attracting eastern European companies seeking lower costs. Ben Aris reports.

Pekao comes out on top from epic amalgamation

February 4, 2008

Jan Cienski reports from Warsaw on the complex, drawn-out merger of Pekao SA and BPH – an alliance that has created the largest bank in Poland.

Battle lines drawn

November 5, 2007

The controversial Polish Financial Supervision Authority is stuck in a political war with the government over who should control the country’s banks, writes Jan Cienski in Warsaw.

PKO’s headache

July 4, 2007

Poland’s largest bank, the state-owned PKO, is operating without a head while the ruling party searches for a ‘suitable’ CEO. Jan Cienski reports from Warsaw.

Getin’s rapid rise From the bottom of the sea

January 8, 2007

Jan Cienski reports from Warsaw on the adrenaline-fuelled journey from commercial diver to billionaire banking mogul of Getin Holding founder Leszek Czarnecki.

Government grasps regulatory power

October 2, 2006

Concerns are growing over the creation of a new unified financial industry regulator that will reduce the independent overseeing powers of the central bank and its chief. By Jan Cienski in Warsaw.

Shaky foundations

February 6, 2006

As opposition to the merger of Poland’s Pekao and BPH mounts, the banks’ contrasting approaches to foreign currency lending are highlighting concerns over the surge in Swiss franc-denominated mortgages. Nick Spiro reports.


January 2, 2006

Bank BPH
Joseph Wancer, CEO

UniCredit steals a march on the competition

August 1, 2005

Italy’s UniCredit has bolstered its presence in the ‘new Europe’ with its purchase of HVB. But, as Nick Spiro reports, integration will present it with a real challenge.

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