Latest articles from Russia

State-owned banks tighten grip

February 2, 2009

The Russian banking sector has been transformed by the crisis in 2008, but signs of the change were already clear in the end-2007 data included in these rankings, as the difficulties of raising capital began to bite. Writer Philip Alexander.

Banks merge to combat crisis

February 2, 2009

As Russia undergoes its own financial crisis, the country’s authorities appear to be encouraging consolidation to remove the weaker players. But buyers will be taking a close look at their assets. Writer Ben Aris.

Mattias Westman

January 5, 2009

Lowered oil prices and political fear have rocked the balance of Russia’s economy, but there is still some cause for optimism.

Russia hears echoes of LTCM

November 3, 2008

Russian financing is one of the many areas in which banks have been left nursing losses. So how were the banks lending and how have they withstood the recent equity market rout? Writer Natasha de Terán.

Alexei Kudrin

October 6, 2008

Russian federal government finances have never looked healthier, but rising inflation, growing regional divides and the fallout from the conflict in Georgia mean finance minister Alexei Kudrin still has his work cut out.

Success sullied by risk of exposure

October 6, 2008

Total assets among Russia’s banks have posted robust growth in excess of 50% and there have been some structural improvements, but banks remain vulnerable to sudden changes in the health of the national economy and are looking decidedly over concentrated. Writer Stephen Timewell.

Building momentum

October 6, 2008

New state funds and laws are allowing Russia’s ailing infrastructure to catch up with its fast-growing economy. The Banker hears from some of the key players in a $1000bn market. Writer Philip Alexander.

Slow on the cards

July 1, 2008

Credit cards are relatively new to Russia and take-up is still slow as cash remains the dominating payment method. Brian Caplen reports on progress.

Big strides fail to resolve inherent weaknesses

July 1, 2008

Reliance on external markets for refinancing is one of the weaknesses in Russia’s banking system. Brian Caplen reports on this and other factors that are holding back the sector’s development.

Triumph during adversity

May 5, 2008

UralSib is among the lucky few to benefit from the credit crunch. Virtually unreliant on international financing, the bank has stood strong and is now winning custom from rivals that are struggling. Its CEO Andrei Donskikh talks to Ben Aris.

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