Latest articles from Russia

Pensions shock boosts funds

April 5, 2004

Russia’s mutual funds were wiped out in the 1990s crisis. However, news that the state pension fund is unlikely to provide its citizens with much of a nest egg has fuelled new growth in the area. Ben Aris reports.

Losing ground but not heart

April 5, 2004

Growing competition and the countdown to losing its state guarantee on retail deposits are two challenges that Russia’s giant Sberbank faces. But as chairman Andrei Kazmin tells Ben Aris, he isn’t panicking.

Retail revolution

April 5, 2004

State-of-the-art information technology is transforming the experience of retail banking in Russia. Michael Imeson outlines the latest developments.

Russia’s home run

April 5, 2004

Vneshtorgbank offers a complete range of financial services, but it is its household mortgage lending service that answers a particular need.

Ready for renewal

April 5, 2004

Russia’s financial sector is in recovery from the 1998 crisis and banks are keen to gain an edge by using customer relationship management. But, as Wendy Atkins explains, first they must do their homework.

Full of promise

March 3, 2004

Russia’s bond market got off to a magnificent start in January with Gazprom’s record-breaking issue and it looks set to continue in a similar vein. Ben Aris asks if anything can hold it back.

Banks join party

March 3, 2004

The rise of the rouble against the dollar and falling bond yields have encouraged some banks to issue Eurobonds for the first time. Ben Aris reports.

Moscow’s muscle

March 3, 2004

Moscow City continues to dominate Russia’s regional bond market. With its infrastructure in need of rebuilding, the issue pipeline is looking promising. Ben Aris reports.

Pension plan stalls

March 3, 2004

The Kremlin has shifted emphasis away from encouraging growth, which is now strong, to tackling pressing social problems like pension reform. Ben Aris finds out that, although a good plan has got off to a bad start, there is hope for the future.
Marina is standing outside the Valentino shop in tears. She received her monthly Rbs400 pension ($15) yesterday but lost her avoska, the occasional shopping bag that all Russians used to carry, along with her purse.

Market forces

March 3, 2004

Since its collapse in 1998, Russia’s domestic bond market has made a spectacular comeback. Rosbank chairman Alexander Popov talks to The Banker about its future.

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