Latest articles from Russia

teaser-russian first marks WestLBs last stand

Russian first marks WestLB’s last stand

August 1, 2012

A diversified payment rights securitisation for ZAO Raiffeisenbank reopened this important source of funding in Russia for the first time since the financial crisis, but joint lead manager WestLB will not be around to manage follow-up deals.

Citi’s central and eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa debt capital markets team: (from left) Ignacio Temerlin, Peter Charles, Blazej Dankowski, William Weaver and Vassiliy Tengayev

Citi makes the most of emerging debt volatility

July 2, 2012

Citi’s debt capital markets team switched nimbly between reopening Russian markets when risk appetite was high and placing Gulf state sukuk when investors searched for safety.

(From left to right) Kazakhstan’s president Nursultan Nazabayev, Russia’s then-president Dmitry Medvedev and Belarus’s president Alexander Lukashenko

Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus open economic borders

July 2, 2012

Closer economic integration of countries in the Commonwealth of Independent States has been discussed for many years without practical progress. The launch of a Single Economic Space between Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus may be about to change that.

TEASER-Building a new Russia

Many arms pushing Russia's entrepreneurs

June 1, 2012

The Russian government is pushing hard for more financing to find its way to the small and medium-sized enterprise sector, but opaque accounts and a shortage of management skills are deterring banks and private equity funds alike.

Russian banks

Russia's market structure begins to thaw

February 1, 2012

The largest state-owned banks still dominate the top of Russia’s banking system, but high returns, specialisation and consolidation in the private sector are creating signs of change.

Russian state bank dominance on the cusp of change

January 18, 2012
russian bank assets teaser

The market share of state-owned banks has grown at the top end of Russia’s banking sector, but private sector consolidation suggests this might be about to change.

Vasily Vysokov

Mixed times ahead for Russia's regional banks

January 3, 2012

Russia's regional banks are often closer to their customers than the Moscow-based giants, but they can be hampered by a lack of both capital and transparency. While a new development fund is intended to change that, some critics argue that new capital adequacy requirements threaten their very existence.

Currency exchange in Russia

Russia's central bank governor happy with hands-off approach

December 1, 2011

Russian central bank governor Sergei Ignatiev's decision not to intervene when the country's currency came under pressure earlier this year has been welcomed by economists as a sign that the country's commitment to a more open economy is genuine. The governor explains to The Banker that such a policy is part of his long-term plan for the country.

Russian joint venture pays off for Sibur and SolVin

November 1, 2011

Sibur and SolVin's highly innovative joint venture to build a PVC plant in Russia was unusual in many ways, not least because of its lack of an offtake scheme in such a risk-averse environment. However, the four-year wait for the deal to come to fruition is paying off for the many players involved.

Improving creditors’ rights in Russia

August 1, 2011

Russian legislation contains mechanisms allowing the recovery of debts, but experience suggests that the reality can be very different from the theory.

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